Unable to add some domains in Cloudflare

When trying to add some IDN domains, either in unicode or punycode format, Cloudflare returns different errors: An example is below: Punycode format - xn--0z9h.to
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": 1099,
"message": "We were unable to identify xn--0z9h.to as a registered domain. Please ensure you are providing the root domain and not any subdomains (e.g., example.com, not subdomain.example.com)"
"messages": [],
"result": null
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": 1099,
"message": "We were unable to identify xn--0z9h.to as a registered domain. Please ensure you are providing the root domain and not any subdomains (e.g., example.com, not subdomain.example.com)"
"messages": [],
"result": null
Unicode format - 🩶.to
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": 1105,
"message": "You attempted to add this domain too many times within a short period. Wait at least 3 hours and try adding it again."
"messages": [],
"result": null
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": 1105,
"message": "You attempted to add this domain too many times within a short period. Wait at least 3 hours and try adding it again."
"messages": [],
"result": null
I would like to be able to add similar domains to this to Cloudflare. They seem to be part of Unicode 14 and Unicode 15.
17 Replies
webrd6mo ago
To note: other unicode domains do work, only some of these 14/15 ones do not
Chaika6mo ago
Issues like these are probably better in support tickets then on here, this is more for developer products and such. We try to help, but this isn't an official support avenue or anything like that. That being said, it looks like your punycode isn't valid? I don't have too much experience with idn domains, but it looks like you meant xn--qei.to which is registered?
webrd6mo ago
This unicode was released in 2022, it as you can see above corresponds to the grey colour heart 🩶 whereas xn--qei corresponds to ❤️ Unfortunately I am on the free plan, I have looked at making a support ticket but it doesn't give me any option for my issue, I tried contacting the closest one (Billing/Registrar) and was directed to proceed with Technical Support which is under the Pro plans. And so it recommends contacting the Community based on my plan and had the recommended tip next to the Discord server. It seems like the solution is to update the Cloudflare unicode base to recognize these? I don't know how I can get this across to the right people
Chaika6mo ago
Interesting, part of Unicode 15 right? It doesn't look like all platforms even support that, Windows nor Firefox can show it right
I tried contacting the closest one (Billing/Registrar) and was directed to proceed with Technical Support which is under the Pro plans.
You should be able to create Billing/Account/Registrar tickets. What was the auto response you got? iirc it should say at the end "This is an automated response, which we hope has answered your question. If you need further assistance, simply reply to this email to reach a Cloudflare Technical Support Engineer." If not, what's the ticket # ?
webrd6mo ago
Marta (Cloudflare)

Oct 20, 2023, 3:53 AM CDT

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting Cloudflare Support.

The current ticket is being raised as a Billing/Registrar issue. It appears you may have picked the wrong category for the ticket.

Please follow the instruction from Support Portal to proceed with Technical Support: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support

In case you have lost access to your Cloudflare account, please follow this article in order to regain your account/zone ownership:

Login & Account Issues
Alternatively, you can also raise your technical issues in Cloudflare Community, so other users can share their experience with you.

Thank you for using Cloudflare. I will mark this ticket as solved.

Kind regards,
Marta | Cloudflare Technical Support Agent
Marta (Cloudflare)

Oct 20, 2023, 3:53 AM CDT

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting Cloudflare Support.

The current ticket is being raised as a Billing/Registrar issue. It appears you may have picked the wrong category for the ticket.

Please follow the instruction from Support Portal to proceed with Technical Support: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support

In case you have lost access to your Cloudflare account, please follow this article in order to regain your account/zone ownership:

Login & Account Issues
Alternatively, you can also raise your technical issues in Cloudflare Community, so other users can share their experience with you.

Thank you for using Cloudflare. I will mark this ticket as solved.

Kind regards,
Marta | Cloudflare Technical Support Agent
Ticket #2993023
Chaika6mo ago
I'm guessing the other 14 domains aren't using Unicode 15 characters?
webrd6mo ago
Sorry for the confusion, by 14/15 I meant Unicode version 14 and 15.
Chaika6mo ago
oh lol I'll escalate that ticket, we'll see what they say. It might just not be supported, but worth a try. I couldn't find any other info about this
webrd6mo ago
Yeah while not all platforms support the emoji, the unicode still exists. I did find something over on the community but that also led to contacting support. Thank you so much What I did not want to do, but am thinking might be the best course, should I create a support ticket with technical support with someone elses account who does have Pro as an alternative option?
Chaika6mo ago
Escalation should take care of it eitherway, but I suppose you could if you tried adding it on their account and creating a ticket. Escalation would likely be faster though, just give them a second
webrd6mo ago
Alright, thank you so much for your help
Chaika6mo ago
Side note: Presetting the nameservers before you add the domain won't work anymore, it'll pick two new ones when you add it (to Cloudflare). It wouldn't cause this to happen though, I just noticed it when looking at it around. It's in escalation queue, we'll see I would keep them set for now though because it makes it easier to see the domain does exist since .to doesn't have a whois
webrd6mo ago
Yeah there were some issues with the Registrar at the time, I had to give them nameservers to change it manually. I've experienced this before but yeah not sure if the issue has been fixed yet with the Registrar itself. I appreciate your help once again, even though this is not an official support avenue
Chaika6mo ago
They should have created a new ticket for you, I believe you would have got an email about it. Apparently the old ticket got closed due to the agent confusing it
webrd6mo ago
Got it! Haven't received an email yet but ticket appears in dashboard now. Thank you for your help ❤️
Chaika6mo ago
I assume they responded with this on the ticket, but in case anyone else stumbles on this in the future:
At this time Cloudflare supports up to Unicode 13
webrd6mo ago
Thank you for your help
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