all my stuff fam is like not working

aightt so like my stuff eg - aint working its just throwing some Worker threw exception stuff even tho its just static html acc id is 262b632a121ae65fd0e19affb890533f
7 Replies
[CHECK BIO] ariez
even adding a new domain says inactive (error)
No description
[CHECK BIO] ariez
might be a internal issue even making a new thing doesnt work
Erisa7mo ago
Flare7mo ago
To contact Cloudflare Support about an issue, please visit the Support Portal and fill in the form on the portal. After submission, you will receive confirmation over email. Some issues, such as Account or Billing related issues, cannot be solved by the community. Any plan level can open a ticket for these topics. For more information on the methods by which you can contact Support for your plan level, see Contacting Cloudflare Support - Cloudflare Docs
Erisa7mo ago
You can put it under Account, because it seems to impact your whole account
[CHECK BIO] ariez
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