Stylish winter jacket?

My typical go to jacket in rainy and/or cold weather is a North Face tri-climate but I'm looking for something more fashionable these days. I'm hoping to find something with a similar vibe as Engineered Garments with the functionality (waterproof and warmth) of a North Face. I'm looking in the $300-600 range. Any suggestions? Thanks!
7 Replies
rej7mo ago
Do you have any style examples?
Nergal Meslamstea
How cold does is get where you live?
Jon T
Jon T7mo ago
I like the fit of the utility jacket from the EG Uniqlo collab, but I don't like that it's not waterproof. I'm definitely open to trying different looks too.
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Jon T
Jon T7mo ago
Not too cold. In the 40s Fahrenheit at the coldest, but I would probably wear the same jacket when I travel to colder climates like Japan in the winter. I was fine there in my North Face with some heattech as a base layer.
raisinpie7mo ago
I don't think you'll find a fashionable rain jacket that's as functional as an outdoor rec brand like North Face. You could try Purple Label, which is more streetwear-oriented. Secondhand Snow Peak and Nanamica are also in this price range.
Nergal Meslamstea
I like my varsity jacket from Golden Bear Sportswear. Wouldn't cut it in a place with real winter but where I live it gets down to the 40's at the worst and it keeps me warm
Jon T
Jon T7mo ago
Thanks for the recs! I'll take a look. Thanks!