perpetual license and 2 yr updates
i would pay 350$ for perpetual license and 2 yr updates but not own the software after 2yr is not on my plan
12 Replies
Hi @angel7778681 ! We've listened and provided a perpetual license! π
Unknown Userβ’15mo ago
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Thanks for the request @mixupr, I will note it down. But I actually do not think we will be able to offer that in the near future.
Is the reason for asking this related to you thinking the price is too high for the monthly license? π
Unknown Userβ’15mo ago
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Thanks for your insights! Very great to learn how our users thinkπ
Hi, I don't have a specific request but thought I'd add my 2 cents to this, as I'm quite impressed with how your team engages with its user base.
I really wish I had dash when I started learning UE full time. Now I'm in a similar situation to Mixup. I now work full time and can only hop on UE when I have time and energy, so I can see where Mixup is coming form. Dash seems like the prefect tool to A: get the most out of my limited time, B: speed up scene building for movie making, which is what I really want to do with my life. However, my country's exchange rate (which basically x 2.5) along with times being hard means I can't justify a long term subscription right now, leaving me to save for the perpetual license that is $437 for me (adding perpetual was a fantastic move, thank you!). I may be taking advantage of the Christmas sale but even that would be putting me on thinner ice. I'm torn between saving for perpetual or adding another monthly bill, basically. Solving this means this tool could see mass adoption among film makers if it was even more accessible - so its worth giving it some deeper thought.
I'll be getting Dash as soon as I can and I've been following it's development for a while. Best of luck and well done!
Thanks for sharing your situation @squizzy1834
RIght now I am having a hard time coming up with a good way of offering it on a more use-base case, but it is great that you are telling us how you are feeling. I am upvoting Mixup's original idea with your name as well.
If I may ask, in which country are you based? I know exchange rates are hard in many countries right now
"Squeeze" for the camera. π
Thanks for getting back to me. I didn't mean that to come across as a pity plea but, an example of two huge points being people with time commitment, and people in financial/market, and those w/ both. Your product is geared for those learning (bet that was a main focus for you with how good the UX looks), but also gives a lot advantages for people in a professional setting with high demand.
I've had a lot of formal training and tech experience in my time with my ultimate goal to run my own studio. You can only dream of how valuable you would be to people who cant participate due to cost. You have the two main things. Therefore, getting it into the hands of people in similar situations as me means mass adoption, they are one in the same. A vast user base too.
I know nothing about the inner workings of your business though so ofc feel free to disregard. However, I'm not going to be left behind in the wave of this new digital revolution, so I'm going to draw up a UX report for you as soon as I get a break from retail.
Merry Christmas eve from New Zealand! (I'm a day ahead to US)
You did not come across that way at all, no worries.
Yes we try as hard as we can to make sure it is easy to use while being powerful at the same time.
And yes we want as many people as possible to use it but for the time being the price we have is the one that we need to have and having a weekly subscription is currently hard to see making sense for us.
From your perspective in New Zealand, what would you think would be a fair price for the monthly sub? And for a weekly sub? if we would ever manage to get that to make sense.
Your feedback is invaluable, thank you!
Thanks for listening and I wish I got back to you sooner. I do appreciate the need for how you have things now, and I think the price you're asking is very resendable, even from NZ. This is definitely about accessibility rather than price. Since you asked, I would happily pay $20 a month like everyone else (in America). After the discount ends, I will be paying $39 NZD a month, which is a lot of pain for me seeing as I only have one day a week to use it realistically (tie into Mixup's point).
I did buy the sub as this is my passion. Again, I really don't want to have to cancel it as I would just be burning money keeping it (and loosing ground on the dream). Of course making it cheaper for international users is not reasonable, I'm just giving my perspective. More over, I can't overstate that there are many in the same boat and solving this would make you mainstream in UE scene. I hope the team puts some thought behind this, and I have a lot of faith in what you are doing.
Keep up the good work and all the best!
Thanks for all your insights/perspective! '
I wish you all the best as well!