Railway7mo ago

can I change the default region? (not talking about multi region)

since the multi region update I want to just change the default region, not to deploy it in multiple regions. 1. is there a way of doing that? 2. are there any plans to add this in the future?
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15 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
OneEye7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
regions are available to pro users on beta https://docs.railway.app/deploy/deployments#regions
OneEye7mo ago
so I'm locked to Oregon, USA?
Brody7mo ago
on the hobby plan, yes
Adam7mo ago
This is subject to change btw, the team is in talks to allow hobby users to change their region as well
Jeppe7mo ago
Sorry for bumbing, but i rather do that then creating a new thread. This could probably be a bit more clear on the priority boarding page It says that, as you wrote that its only for pro users, but on the more information link its just info about the beta-program. Caused some confusion for me
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Adam7mo ago
Can you send the page that the more information button links to?
Adam7mo ago
ah yeah that’s misleading. Regions used to be locked to teams on beta, now it’s just locked to teams
Duchess7mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.
Faraz7mo ago
Hi Regions are still in beta so yes, you'd have to join Priority Boarding to use them. I've opened a ticket internally to GA them. To clarify, to change the region for a service, you should be: 1. In Priority Boarding 2. On the Pro plan
joaoribeiro5mo ago
Do you guys have plans to make this available for hobby plans? I would trade 90% of the features for a lower latency. 🙂
Brody5mo ago
I don't work for Railway but it really seems like they will give hobby users a choice of a single region for the entire account after pro users get multiple regions per service
joaoribeiro5mo ago
That's good news. Thank's