Unable to change SVG icons color in react

I have downloaded svg files and added fill = "currentColor" to each individual . THen i created a file to export these svg, so i can use it in other components. THis is where the issue happens, i cant change the color via CSS , i even added !important, still its showing default black color. ANyone knows how to fix it?

export { default as email } from "./envelope-solid.svg";
export { default as lock } from "./lock-solid.svg";
export { default as eyeOpen } from "./eye-solid.svg";
export { default as eyeClose } from "./eye-slash-solid.svg";

export { default as email } from "./envelope-solid.svg";
export { default as lock } from "./lock-solid.svg";
export { default as eyeOpen } from "./eye-solid.svg";
export { default as eyeClose } from "./eye-slash-solid.svg";

import {
email as EmailIcon,
eyeClose as PasswordHide,
eyeOpen as PasswordShow,
lock as LockIcon,
} from "../assets/imageExport";


import {
email as EmailIcon,
eyeClose as PasswordHide,
eyeOpen as PasswordShow,
lock as LockIcon,
} from "../assets/imageExport";

.icons_mail {
color: rebeccapurple !important;
.icons_mail {
color: rebeccapurple !important;
3 Replies
Mannix7mo ago
the svg need to be an inline svg element not a img tag with svg file set as src. also it's fill not color
Avinash7mo ago
i used fill it wasnt working. if i paste svg , my code becomes even more messier. its working jollykevin
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