Railway7mo ago

datadog integration not working using nixpacks.toml

Project id - badc7624-a15a-479e-8a12-198bb0144b9f Build successful but not able to start datadog-agent. Nixpacks.toml [phases.install] cmds = [ 'npm ci', ] [phases.build] cmds = [ 'prisma generate', 'DD_INSTALL_ONLY=true DD_API_KEY=$DD_API_KEY DD_SITE=$DD_SITE bash -c "$(curl -L https://s3.amazonaws.com/dd-agent/scripts/install_script_agent7.sh)"' ] [phases.test] cmds = [] dependsOn = ['build'] [start] cmd = 'service datadog-agent start && npm run start'
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8 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: badc7624-a15a-479e-8a12-198bb0144b9f
Brody7mo ago
going to need some more verbose logs than ...fail! there's not really anything we can help you with based on a single word unfortunately
ash7mo ago
There is no logs I can show. Everything during build looks good but during deploy service datadog-agent start fails. I guess Datadog agent is not able to start. https://railway.app/project/badc7624-a15a-479e-8a12-198bb0144b9f/service/3a0c768a-961c-4364-8a1f-1c470f50efd4?id=d21c494f-0743-4e81-ab2b-fc470641b204
Brody7mo ago
I'm sorry but there's not much we can help you with when we only have a single word to go off of
ash7mo ago
I understand. Can you check nixpacks.toml above and also all the logs through the link above and see if i am missing anything
Brody7mo ago
the nixpacks.toml looks relatively fine, it must be installing the agent on account of the build not failing. and I don't work for railway so I can't see your logs, but the logs would look the same as they do in the screenshot so I'm not sure how that could help. I assume you have those environment variables set in your service variables tab?
ash7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
then my advice to you is find a way to get more verbose error logging from the agent