Distant Horizons will not load new chunks after server renderdistance is changed

I asked the server owner to increase the server render distance from 10 to 12, which they kindly agreed to, however, after logging back into the world Distant Horizons will not load any new chunks after they go all the way out to my render distance, as if my player was still standing where i joined the server.
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5 Replies
Borret7mo ago
F3+A doesnt work either, only a relog does.
MarijnIsN00B7mo ago
Are you sure its caused by DH? Disable it and see if it still happens
Borret7mo ago
like remove it or like a setting in it
MarijnIsN00B7mo ago
Remove it
Borret7mo ago
works fine without it even on like 2 render distance ... or not oddly it happened only after i added it found the mod, it was farsight.