Rails error: A server is already running
I'have deployed a new rails project with Rails 7.2 and get this error after some minutes of execution:
A server is already running (pid: 47, file: /app/tmp/pids/server.pid).
I see this build log after each request:
Worker 10 (PID: 969) booted in 0.02s, phase: 0
I think the server is starting a new worker for each request and create a new pid for every request. This is so strange because i don't have this problem with other rails projects.
The application is really simple and it is using only PostgreSQL as other service.
7 Replies
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try a re-deploy?
@Brody already tried several times but i'm getting the same problem
@aleks - any ideas?
@Brody I have tried to deploy the same app on a new service but i'm getting the same problem.
I confirm that the server is creating a new process for every request:
this is a log:
I, [2023-11-22T19:37:20.914895 #142] INFO -- : [e2108038-9d7a-411e-9284-5ecd8a29d236] Started GET "/panel/dashboard" for at 2023-11-22 19:37:20 +0000
I, [2023-11-22T19:37:20.941490 #142] INFO -- : [e2108038-9d7a-411e-9284-5ecd8a29d236] Processing by DashboardController#index as HTML
[1] - Worker 10 (PID: 243) booted in 0.08s, phase: 0
I, [2023-11-22T19:37:22.103391 #142] INFO -- : [e2108038-9d7a-411e-9284-5ecd8a29d236] Rendered layout /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.0/gems/lato-0.3.12views/layouts/lato/application.html.erb (Duration: 43.8ms | Allocations: 31049)
I, [2023-11-22T19:37:22.103832 #142] INFO -- : [e2108038-9d7a-411e-9284-5ecd8a29d236] Completed 200 OK in 1128ms (Views: 42.8ms | ActiveRecord: 48.5ms | Allocations: 72889)
[1] - Worker 11 (PID: 255) booted in 0.02s, phase: 0
please no pings #🛂|readme #5
I'll just say that this, the issue wouldn't be an issue with railway, and more so a misconfiguration on your part, it would be beneficial to try to research this error because it would not be isolated to railway