Rate Limiting -
Hello - I am trying to man age my APIs rate limits and was referring to the Railway Docs. However I could not find any of the 4 headers mentioned below. Am I doing something wrong?
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you'll want to look for tutorials on how to add rate limiting to a flask app, doing so also has nothing to do with railway itself
9 Replies
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are you using railways graphql api?
no. I am using a railway Flask App with few routes
then the documentation you are looking at has nothing to do with your app
you'll want to look for tutorials on how to add rate limiting to a flask app, doing so also has nothing to do with railway itself
my app is handling some CRUD transactions to Firestore DB. When I go beoynd a certain number of calls, it erros out.
in this case should i use the Railway limit of 1000 calls per hour
I'm sorry but this question has nothing to do with Railway
railway does not place any rate limits on your app, like I said the documentation you're looking at is completely irrelevant
Ok Got it. Thank you.