2fa Issue

I have recived a mail
15 Replies
[💙] Iron_Max              !
I have recived a mail from team it says to add Please create the following files at /.well-known/cf-2fa-verify.txt with the following content for each of the domains below: but idk how to do it Please I have work to do please help me
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
You need to access your origin server and add a file to it with the content specificed. It depends on what your origin is as to how you go about adding the file
[💙] Iron_Max              !
I use windows (OPERA) Atleast say how to add meta tag The backup codes can also be added as a HTML meta tag for any sites where you are unable to add the text files mentioned in Option 1. For this option, in the header of the homepages for the following domains, add the following HTML before the closing </head> tag:
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
You add the meta tag to your HTML files on your server to verify. Find your main html file for the site and edit it then paste the verification code between <head> and </head>
[💙] Iron_Max              !
wdym by server how for domain ?
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
How is your website deployed?
[💙] Iron_Max              !
github code, vercel hosting
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
Then edit the HTML files and add the meta tag there
[💙] Iron_Max              !
few are hosted on cloudflare pages
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
For all those sites, you'll have to do the HTML verification route
[💙] Iron_Max              !
I have added meta tag to my site still takes me to dash.cloudflare.com/two-factor
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
I imagine after adding the meta tag you have to respond to the email saying you have added it so they can verify
[💙] Iron_Max              !
doe *done EST ?
Cyb3r-Jak3•7mo ago
No clue, but not something that the community can help with. Can only go through the ticket/email
[💙] Iron_Max              !