Railway Default Variables Working on Some Templates, but not others

18 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
jugaadonline7mo ago
No description
jugaadonline7mo ago
not working
No description
jugaadonline7mo ago
ProjectID: 82ad1aad-b015-417a-bd35-6bbc9aabeef0 But ive noticed this on spinning up several fresh projects from templates.
Brody7mo ago
I can't speak for all templates, but most of my templates come without the proxy on the database enabled, thus the port would be an empty string I don't know if you are deploying one of my templates, but all templates I have that also have databases without the proxy have notes in their overview explaining this, example https://railway.app/template/umami-analytics
jugaadonline7mo ago
very useful information! much appreciated
Brody7mo ago
so haha are you using one of my templates ah I see a PGPORT_PRIVATE variable, thats only on databases I ship or helped to ship with templates so if you ever have any questions about such templates you know where to find me!
jugaadonline7mo ago
its a pattern i have seen over the last 4/8?? weeks across many templates, that didn't previously have this default behavior.
Brody7mo ago
yep besides my templates, I've helped friends update their templates and I've even been given a couple of templates to update in such a way sorry alex, we've already covered why the variables are missing
alex7mo ago
no one reads anymore including myself
Brody7mo ago
well we know why they are missing, but why I've done this is because if you use the public tcp proxy your database is subject to egress fees, exclusively using the private network to connect to the database means zero egress fees on the database service
alex7mo ago
yea honestly I want something as simple as railway for doing local deployments of stuff I'd love to be able to spin up a docker container + volume for a brand-new postgres with a single command lolol
jugaadonline7mo ago
you know, i saw the egress update, but it kinda fell into the background noise for me. seeing as im (today) connecting two railway services, you mighta just helped me dodge a bullet. 1000
Brody7mo ago
that is one of the main reasons I started bugging my friends to update their templates docker compose you silly
alex7mo ago
low skill!!!
Brody7mo ago
jugaad, if you run into any issues using the private network don't hesitate to ask, it trips me up all the time
jugaadonline7mo ago
Public is working now, thank you again! Based on private domain mapping patterns: I'm guessing private is only within same environment, not all of railway/xyz railway region? or is that an incorrect assumption
Brody7mo ago
I'm guessing private is only within same environment
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