Hatologist and/or hatgicians get in here
I have one cap 🧢 (a plaid trucker) that I wear too often.
I would like another hat to unlock 🔑 secret fits like never before.
I have been trying to lean less avant garde lately but I also want something interesting. I’m considering colour. At the very least I want it to be different enough from my current cap that it warrants owning both.
No budget, just want to see what’s out there. It kind of needs a hole in the back to put my hair through. No other requirements.
Please enlighten me with the power of hat magic 🪄 or hat science 🧪 .

14 Replies
Options I have considered include:
- Yellow hat
- Red hat
- Big poofy hat
- Horse club
- Yohji
- Hat like old couch

I love Troy O'Shea's handmade hats but you have to be quick to snag them. https://instagram.com/troyosheahandmade?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
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Browsing his site there have been some excellent ones, nice rec!
I've got one his plain indigo ones and it's really nice. I know @Digs has one or two as well.
Hats are great to thrift/eBay imo
There's an incredible variety of designs for national parks for example

This is my Sashiko Troy O’ Shea hats, i agree with Casey and highly recommend his work

Form inimalist unstructured ball caps i also really like ben davis hats, the crown is kind of short so they dont sit so far down on your head which i like and they have great color options
This is the kind of advanced hat geometry I crave
Available now from my online store, I have only one of these Sakabukuro Mid-Brim Ball caps.
Plenty of original repairs on this very rugged early 20th century heavyweight canvas. All natural Kakishibu dyed, this classic 1930's-40's style mid-brim , unstructured ball cap will mold to your head with wear.
The fabric was sourced from Japan and is...
He just dropped some cool ones
Aaaaand it’s gone
@hecklebuckle this is a hat that I have been looking at for a while. It's a very loud hat (I actually saw a guy wearing it in the wild at the supermarket with a full grey suit). I think it would go well with work wear inspired fits, and add colour to somber earth toned fits. https://hillshats.co.nz/product/havana-coffee-works-duckbill-cap/
Paul Turner
Hills Hats
Wellington’s Havana Coffee Works Duckbill Cap - Hills Hats
Style #: 750 Brand: Hills Hats Season: All Year Content: 100% Jute / Hessian Hills Hats and Wellington's own Havana Coffee Works have collaborated together by recycling coffee sacks from around the world into a unique range of handcrafted hats for coffee lovers. Each hat is made from a random assortment of coffee sacks ensuring a variety of colo...
I'm in a similar boat to you. I'm scoping out hats to buy because I lost my last one and need a new one. Going to be a long window shopping/research period cos I gotta stick to budget.
vintage truckers on Ebay are typically super cheap and you can find some cool retro graphics