@ directive in react
I have seen some using this way to import components in his file.
Can anyone tell me how he is doing this:
8 Replies
Maybe they’re using Angular JS framework
I have seen this commonly used in Next. When you are trying to import something NextJS automatically does that for you as long as you did default export
You can configure whatever bundler you're using eg., webpack, vite, etc. to use relative imports. For example in vite you'd have something like:
So that you can use the syntax you mentioned, whereby "@" will be replaced with "/src" in this case.
You can take things further and create multiple aliases for different locations to make this even shorter if you'd prefer:
But I'm not sure is really worth it.
You'd still be writing
import Something from "@components";
with that though, not just a bare @componentsI haven't looked into Next.js yet... I'm surprised you don't even need to specify the import part of the statement
But I'm not really sure how I feel about that, I typically like be explicit about what's included and used in each file
Thanks Joao. I was helpful and this is
Just to be clear it seems that Next.js does it a little different though I've never used it, and you can simply import files with
but I think it's good to be explicit. At least this will help with other projects that are not Next.js specifically.Thanks.