Help with node install

hello, i have want try your bot, and when i make this command : wasp db migrate-dev i have : node command not found! Wasp requires Node ^18.12.0 to be installed and in PATH. Check Wasp documentation for more details: but i dont understand, because node is installed on my computer
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8 Replies
matijash7mo ago
hmm probably it isn't in your PATH then? Try simply running node in your terminal, and if it complains then it isn't in the PATH (assuming it is installed)
Anzikil7mo ago
oh, how add in my path? where
Cash7mo ago
Anyone know why this is happening?
No description
matijash7mo ago
yep -> You have too new version of Node! Wasp works with Node 18, which is an LTS version (long term support). I suggest using NVM to easily switch between versions. Check out how to do it here:
Quick Start | Wasp
Cash7mo ago
Thank you so much!!!! I’ll check that out oh actually I did this. if you look above the error it says the version is v18.14.2 and if I say nvm use v18.12.0 it also says now using the v18.12.0 version but if I give the node -v command it still says 20.10.0 .... that you for your help. I solved it by deleting the node folder and running nvm use again
MEE67mo ago
Wohooo @Cash, you just became a Waspeteer level 1!
martinsos6mo ago
oh wow glad to hear that helped! Which node folder did you delete, I am curious?