Error: connect ETIMEDOUT/ECONNREFUSED on all db writes
Project ID: 316aa21f-dc55-4e9f-be8f-13129d27d7c0
I'm using the legacy postgres. About 2 hours ago, all db write calls from my application started hanging and resulting in an ETIMEDOUT error.
It's now resulting in a ECONNREFUSED error.
I have tried redeploying an older version of my application, with no difference.
If I build and run the app locally pointed at the prod db, it works normally -- so I believe the issue is with the deployed railway service.
current error:
9 Replies
Project ID:
#🚨|incidents - possibly related, looking into it.
So it appears that your production Redis in on Stacker 50.
Is the data on Redis requiring persistence, or do you have a depency on that Redis?
(I would also migrate your Postgres DB while you can.)
redis data does require persistence
I will migrate postgres before the cutoff, but can't do it at this moment because of the associated downtime :/
No worries here, can you check if the workload is back online?
We just restored service for the Redis.
Migration doesn't kill the old service until the new one is healthy.
@Angelo yes, it's working again. Thank you for your help!
Unfortunately I have been recently informed that we stopped the services while the handover is going on, but I would encourage you to do it sooner vs. later, V2 Databases weren't affected by this outage.
noted, we will prioritize it ASAP. ty again for the help