Gulikit controller won't connect correctly

I have a gulikit kingkong 2 pro controller. Recently an update was pushed where multiple problems happened (black screen, unable to boot, etc) and another one was that this controller is now unable to connect. I have tried the switch, xinput and dinput mode and none of them work. The controller simply connect loop and stops after being idle for a certain amount of time. This connection is being done by usb, but the bluetooth connection also doesn't work. I was only able to connect to the controler using buetoothctl (not gnome-bluetooth or the steam gaming mode bluetooth ui) Is there anything that I could do to fix this problem? (I already tried switching to use-stock-gamepad and rebooting while already connected with usb and none of them worked)
14 Replies
TheLuckyOne897mo ago
welp found my problem... for some reason I had DRD setted up instead of XHCI... I know I didn't change it so maybe an update changed it automatically, but It's good to finally found the reason
HikariKnight7mo ago
bios update changed default to DRD
Yokai5mo ago
I've run into this issue. So do I need to go into the bios in order to enable XHCI?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
Yes, I'll see about getting this bios update into the next build should it's changed back
Yokai5mo ago
Unfortunately changing it to xhci didn't work on my particular set of controllers. I'm having a similar issue though where my controller connects, freezes up the deck briefly, and then is completely unresponsive despite successfully connecting. This is through both bluetooth and usb
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
and you tried switching to default xbox drivers? ujust use-stock-gamepads + a reboot
Yokai5mo ago
I'll try that next.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
xhci/drd only makes a difference for USB connections, will never affect bluetooth
t9999clint5mo ago
I've only used my kingkong 2 over bluetooth and it's working normally so far. You using the steamdeck or a normal computer? (I haven't tried it on my steamdeck in a few weeks)
iamchocho5mo ago
Ive got a king kong 2, tried to use it last night and wouldnt recognize, over bluetooth to a htpc, will have to test if stock gamepads helps. j
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
should, I have the same one
iamchocho5mo ago
Had to switch controller to D mode, then it worked. Didnt seem to work in Switch, android, or windows mode. I had also switched to stock gamepads with ujust
HikariKnight5mo ago
android and windows mode should work using stock-gamepads drivers though, i own the same controller and have not done any changes to my setup
iamchocho5mo ago
Hmm I'll have to retest.