22 Replies
do you mean the gradient, or the grid lines?
The grid is an image, a transparent webp with the gridlines embedded: https://www.en-zo.dev/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2FLines.6bd7e038.webp&w=1920&q=75
they're hard to see, but you can open that image in an image editor and zoom in
actually, clicking the image to open a zoom works pretty good, you can see the gridlines clearly against the darker background
the blurry gradient is a combination of a linear gradient:
and a blur:
so there's no svgs in there
how do you find the img in my browser i cant inspect the page
you just open devtools, and click around really
F12 always works, even if they try to block right clicks
my f12 doesn t work
huh, he tried to block that
you can go to the three-dot menu in chrome, then click more tools, dev tools
I hadn't even noticed, I usually use firefox with noscript, so right click and F12 both work just fine
it's a really shitty practice to try to hide how you accomplish things
im using firefox
and doesn t work
it's even easier on firefox. Shift+rightclick, then click inspect
yheee gg
honestly, if I were looking at his site to see if I wanted to hire him, and I noticed he'd made it harder to open dev tools, his resume would go straight in the shredder
no worries 🙂
the entire industry gets better if we share our knowledge, and honestly his site isn't anything special
blurry gradient with grid overlay is overdone
I am looking for portfolios to inspire myself and create my own in html and css vanilla
just cause I'm not a fan, shouldn't stop you from using this as an inspiration 🙂 Just keep in mind I see someone ask about some version of this design on here probably once a month
yea I was about to comment, like why can't I open dev tools? That goes against everything web devs do