ADXL345 Issue Octopus Max EZ, MCU wont boot when plugged in

Using EZ 5160 Pro drivers on the on the XY 48v and Z's 24v. Z's will soon be swapped out for EZ2209 drivers. I believe I'm getting some sort of SPI conflict that's identical to Tripple check the wiring etc... If I hot connect the ADXL345 post booting then home it throws an error of Unable to write tmc spi 'stepper_z' register GLOBALSCALE Are there any work arounds? Will a tool board address this?
Manta M8P Boot Loop on SPI1 with ADXL345 ยท Issue #27 ยท bigtreetech/...
Connecting an ADXL345 to SPI1 on my Manta M8P causes the MCU to not boot. It seems like the bootloader is conflicting with some other device on SPI1 on boot. Can anyone confirm if there is any othe...
81 Replies
blacksmithforlifeโ€ข7mo ago
you could try enabling different overlays in /boot/BoardEnv.txt that is what does to enable SPI for the ADXL
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
That's for CB1 headers @anon13._07409 It's plausible there's a problem with the SPI header on the EZ too, not sure. Let me make sure the config is using software spi which usually solves this issue (Octopus Pro for example). Hmm.. Maybe in this case software spi is what's causing the issue. Would need to do significant copy pasting to get rid of all the software_spi properties and change it to spi_bus: spi4 Both drivers and adxl Heey, maybe a perfect time to test out 2.1 config generation first thing: copy paste the board include and remove the adxl345 section, then include that instead of the RatOS one. What size is your printer? (i'm assuming it's a V-Core 3?) And what extruder are you using, and is it connected to the Manta or a toolboard? Once you've told me i can generate the stepper section for you (you would comment out everything else in that section).
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Something like this?
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
No reason to swap out Z's to 2209's btw, 5160's are great. They're only problematic for low current motors, such as extruders.
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Oh and do you want this on or off?
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
AFAIK it works perfectly fine on BTT drivers, haven't tested specifically on their EZ drivers though.
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
Board is a Max Ez not Manta Bondtech LGX Lite Extruder connected straight to the board, no tool board at the moment... 500mm V-Core 3.1 Not on please Good to know on the Z's will do
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Board is a Max Ez not Manta
Yeah sorry i misspoke, i already picked the Max EZ lol ๐Ÿ˜‚
Bondtech LGX Lite Extruder connected straight to the board, no tool board at the moment... 500mm V-Core 3.1
Aight gimme a sec!
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
### Pick the drivers and stepper motors you're using. See the RatOS documentation for custom combinations.
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: x_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.768
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 0
driver_TOFF: 4
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 4

[tmc5160 stepper_y]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: y_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.768
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 0
driver_TOFF: 4
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 4

[tmc5160 stepper_z]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z0_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 stepper_z1]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z1_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 stepper_z2]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z2_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 extruder]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: e_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 0.707

step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
homing_speed: 50

step_pin: y_step_pin
dir_pin: y_dir_pin
enable_pin: !y_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
homing_speed: 50

step_pin: z0_step_pin
dir_pin: z0_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z0_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

step_pin: z1_step_pin
dir_pin: z1_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z1_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10

step_pin: z2_step_pin
dir_pin: z2_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z2_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10

step_pin: e_step_pin
dir_pin: e_dir_pin
enable_pin: !e_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 0
homing_speed: 10

max_velocity: 800
max_accel: 10000
max_accel_to_decel: 5000
max_z_velocity: 20
max_z_accel: 150
square_corner_velocity: 5

[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_macro_travel_speed: 800

speed: 800

speed: 800
### Pick the drivers and stepper motors you're using. See the RatOS documentation for custom combinations.
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: x_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.768
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 0
driver_TOFF: 4
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 4

[tmc5160 stepper_y]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: y_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.768
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 0
driver_TOFF: 4
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 4

[tmc5160 stepper_z]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z0_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 stepper_z1]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z1_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 stepper_z2]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: z2_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.075
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6

[tmc5160 extruder]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
cs_pin: e_uart_pin
spi_bus: spi4
run_current: 0.707

step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
homing_speed: 50

step_pin: y_step_pin
dir_pin: y_dir_pin
enable_pin: !y_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
homing_speed: 50

step_pin: z0_step_pin
dir_pin: z0_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z0_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

step_pin: z1_step_pin
dir_pin: z1_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z1_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10

step_pin: z2_step_pin
dir_pin: z2_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z2_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
homing_speed: 10

step_pin: e_step_pin
dir_pin: e_dir_pin
enable_pin: !e_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 0
homing_speed: 10

max_velocity: 800
max_accel: 10000
max_accel_to_decel: 5000
max_z_velocity: 20
max_z_accel: 150
square_corner_velocity: 5

[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_macro_travel_speed: 800

speed: 800

speed: 800
@anon13._07409 Try that ๐Ÿ‘†
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
This is going in the user override section correct?
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
No it replaces the stepper section IT's everything that is normally in those includes
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
[include RatOS/printers/v-core-3/steppers.cfg] that file?
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Generated with the development version of the 3.1 No the entire section
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
got it
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
All of this gets replaced
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
Klipper reports: ERROR pin e_uart_pin used multiple times in config going to take that part out for the moment
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Ah yeah it's because the lgx-lite include loads the TMC2209 version of the 36STH20-1004AHG stepper include You should keep the one in the section i posted
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
got it added it back
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
And copy the rotation_distance from the lgx-lite config, and uncomment the lgx lite include.
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
doest like the homing speed Option 'homing_speed' is not valid in section 'stepper_z1'
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Ah yeah, that's a bug in my branch. remove them from z1 and z2 And [extruder] as well
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
pin stepper_spi_miso_pin is reserved for spi4 keep it on the x and y?
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
yes keep on x y and z Are you still including the original octopus-max-ez config?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
first thing: copy paste the board include and remove the adxl345 section, then include that instead of the RatOS one.
We have to make some changes to get rid of software_spi
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
You need to get rid of this
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
[adxl345] spi_software_sclk_pin: stepper_spi_sclk_pin spi_software_mosi_pin: stepper_spi_mosi_pin spi_software_miso_pin: stepper_spi_miso_pin cs_pin: adxl345_cs_pin
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Instead, you want:
spi_bus: spi4
cs_pin: adxl345_cs_pin
spi_bus: spi4
cs_pin: adxl345_cs_pin
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
remove that got it there is no save button what am i missing
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Yeah that's why i asked you to copy the config file Copy it to your root directory (where the printer.cfg is) Then make your changes, and include that instead of the RatOS one.
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
ahh got it
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
pin stepper_spi_miso_pin is reserved for spi4 Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted that worked so far
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
No more "stepper_spi_miso_pin is reserved for spi4" error?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
yea thats fixed now that i repointed the include statement to that copied version
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
rebooting now with hte AXDL attached to see
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
This whole topic made me aware that i need to make it a board definition parameter whether steppers/adxl run on software spi or not.
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
it loaded
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
At least it's easy to deal with in 2.1 awesome
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
going to try and run the calirbate
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Then it's just a question if it works ๐Ÿ˜‚
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
LOL Option 'accel_chip' in section 'resonance_tester' must be specified
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
ADXL345 resonance testing configuration [resonance_tester] accel_chip: adxl345 probe_points: 100,100,20 # 200mm printer 150,150,20 # 300mm printer # 200,200,20 # 400mm printer 250,250,20 # 500mm printer 3:41 PM Invalid adxl345 id (got 0 vs e5). 3:41 PM Invalid adxl345 id (got 0 vs e5). This is generally indicative of connection problems (e.g. faulty wiring) or a faulty adxl345 chip. 3:41 PM MEASURE_AXES_NOISE
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Yeah.. hmm.. I'm not sure if the Max EZ is going to work with an ADXL345 and SPI steppers connected at the same time. It's very possible it's just wiring issues though.
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
will a tool board possibly solve this?
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
If you grow tired of trying to debug wiring issues there are 2 other options: 1) Toolboard with integrated ADXL 2) Connect the ADXL345 to the RPI, but if you have wiring issues, you'll prolly have wiring issues with that too. yes
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
will give those a go thanks a ton!
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
any way to send you a few $ for lunch or dinner ๐Ÿ™‚ or a beer
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Click my profile pic, there's a paypal link in my bio ๐Ÿ™‚ Alternatively there's my github sponsors page Appreciate it ๐Ÿ™
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Omg I didn't know notes were personal ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
I'm such an idiot
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
sent and enjoy!
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Thank you!
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
FYI went to home all the axis and it threw the following error Unable to write tmc spi 'stepper_z' register GLOBALSCALER Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Printer is shutdown
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Interesting Did it work before that? It's possible it's the ADXL that's messing with the driver communication Especially if it's wired wrong. Did you disconnect it or is it still connected to the SPI header on the Octopus Max ?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
the ADXL has been removed / disconnected and it through that error it would not start with it connected it's all good though will try a toolboard anyways i saved your edits for later and reverted to my last known working config on a separate note, if interested, z-tilt is not following the cordinance and the printer head is going off board any things specific i should be looking for?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
These z-tilt points look like they would put the probe off the build plate
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miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
z_positions = pivot points points = probe points. Yeah somethings wrong with your kinematics
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
ahh ok ok will dig around
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
Ie. mechanically or driver / stepper wise The stepper config i posted should very much have worked Are you sure your drivers and cables are in the right slots? And that the motor power jumpers is set correctly?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
one thing that has been suspect to me at least is i had to flip the stepper direction for both x and y ############################################################################################################# PRINTER CONFIGURATION Customize the defaults to your specific build ############################################################################################################# [stepper_x] dir_pin: !x_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse X stepper direction rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys [stepper_y] dir_pin: !y_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Y stepper direction rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys is it safe to assume that the back left stepper motor is X and the back right is Y?
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
That's likely fine. This varies from board to board, depends on the orientation of the JST headers and how you wired your steppers. Nothing out of the ordinary yes Did you follow the installation manual? It asks you to check if your toolhead moves correctly by using SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
yep its does x y and z home all fine
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
And what exactly happens when you run Z_TILT_ADJUST ?
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
my power jumpers are on the lower pin for X, Y and Z's, the extruder is as depicted
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metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
taking a photo since they are 48v
miklschmidtโ€ข7mo ago
yep all good
metropolitan-bronzeโ€ข7mo ago
hits the build plate since the probe is off the build plate when it was traveling into and from the front right corner it sounds like the steppers were fighting and losing steps
miklschmidtโ€ข6mo ago
Try G0 X0 Y0 that should position the nozzle on the front left corner of the build plate, if it doesn't, your endstops are all out of whack. Right, rail binding / belt tension super uneven or too tight / loose pulleys / or you mounted something on the frame that blocks the movement.