Railway7mo ago

I can't figure out why build is failing on a Laravel app ... context: 5ef5c016c892b9a90638c75d769fb6

#8 18.07 error: #8 18.07 … while calling the 'derivationStrict' builtin #8 18.07 #8 18.07 at /builtin/derivation.nix:9:12: (source not available) #8 18.07 #8 18.07 … while evaluating derivation '5148520bfab61f99fd25fb9ff7bfbb50dad3c9db-env' #8 18.07 whose name attribute is located at /nix/store/lgcjj6s23v2203zyihsd0j26wh1saj0c-source/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:300:7 #8 18.07 #8 18.07 … while evaluating attribute 'passAsFile' of derivation '5148520bfab61f99fd25fb9ff7bfbb50dad3c9db-env' #8 18.07 #8 18.07 at /nix/store/lgcjj6s23v2203zyihsd0j26wh1saj0c-source/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders/default.nix:88:7: #8 18.07 #8 18.07 87| inherit buildCommand name; #8 18.07 88| passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ] #8 18.07 | ^ #8 18.07 89| ++ (derivationArgs.passAsFile or []); #8 18.07 #8 18.07 error: php80 has been dropped due to the lack of maintenance from upstream for future releases #8 ERROR: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-5148520bfab61f99fd25fb9ff7bfbb50dad3c9db.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 -----
[ 4/12] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-5148520bfab61f99fd25fb9ff7bfbb50dad3c9db.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d:
18.07 … while evaluating attribute 'passAsFile' of derivation '5148520bfab61f99fd25fb9ff7bfbb50dad3c9db-env' 18.07 18.07 at /nix/store/lgcjj6s23v2203zyihsd0j26wh1saj0c-source/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders/default.nix:88:7: 18.07 18.07 87| inherit buildCommand name; 18.07 88| passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ] 18.07 | ^ 18.07 89| ++ (derivationArgs.passAsFile or []); 18.07 18.07 error: php80 has been dropped due to the lack of maintenance from upstream for future releases
13 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
tirro7mo ago
ok, here it is: 8857b619-ac99-44fa-9355-e9ce7171ad94 is the Project ID ok?
Fragly7mo ago
tirro7mo ago
I've downloaded the log ... I see some repositories in my GiHub like "laravel-mFCp" ... I will have a look and see if I can figure it out unfortunately can't made it work ... wondering why you are exposing all this unnecessary complexity? ... why I need to know all these nixpacks and docker stuff? ... my focus is to bring real value to my customers with the product I'm building, not to manage infrastructure ... really disappointed
Fragly7mo ago
You don't have to know anything about nixpacks or docker to use railway, I've never used a dockerfile once on railway in my entire year of using the platform so far Although if your project does require a specific environment then you might have to use dockerfile, even then railway is probably the easiest hosting platform out there
tirro7mo ago
then how I will made my product work on Railway? ... because I've spent around 8 hours and have no ideea what to do next by the way everything works fine on my computer
Fragly7mo ago
that's a very broad question 🤔 what does your app do?
tirro7mo ago
is Angular + Laravel + Postgres I've coded everything myself nothing complicated ... easy stuf ... and I keep it simple because my focus is business not tecnical aspects
Fragly7mo ago
Alright, and could you send me the log file you downloaded, because right now all i know is your app is erroring, no idea what the error even is
tirro7mo ago
sure, one sec
tirro7mo ago
Fragly7mo ago
okay I have no idea, but someone smarter than me ( brody ) could possibly help you
tirro6mo ago
ok, I will focus on other stuf in the meantime ... till an answer will arrive thanks! can you provide an estimate if and when my problem will be solved?