about turkey shipping and payment options

hello turkey shipping isnt avaible and there are only one option we can buy it is paypal in turkey we dont have paypal i want the buy geon hall effect raptor switches in future new version also we cant see in equientclicks
2 Replies
Pooh7mo ago
Hello, We are aware that PayPal is the only way to pay, but Turkey does not accept PayPal, and even if it does, there is a 50%+ customs fee, so we are not shipping to Turkey at this time.
Havşabaş7mo ago
Tunacım satın alma için de kargolama için de koreabuyandship kullanabilirsin. The customs fee only jumps up to that percentage if the goods cost over 150 euros. I understand that both you and Okan had a bad experience when he had his v2 ship directly to his adddress, hoping the customs would let it slide - Blocking orders was a great move on your part to ensure no one has that experience again. But if there’s any way you can keep blocking orders above 150 euros while letting orders below that amount ship, that would be a great development for us.
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