You are currently using all of your subscribed origins.

Hello guys, I have bought a Load Balancing plan for 5$ and when i try to add new load balancer it shows the message while adding a new pool You are currently using all of your subscribed origins. Please upgrade your subscription or contact your Cloudflare Account Manager to acquire more origins
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6 Replies
Alf7mo ago
Well did you make the origins already Check for existing ones
Yara6mo ago
So yea i see this You have used 2 of 2 Origins included in your plan. but what those origins used for? can i know? How do I know what it is being used for, anywhere?
Erisa6mo ago
Go to manage pools, you should see the origins on a pool
Yara6mo ago
Ok i got it But one of my services is serverless and i just have a link(not IP) to access the backend, and it won't work with that link
Yara6mo ago
When i hover the red part 'Critical' it shows this: Response code mismatch error
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Yara6mo ago
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