Cloudflare batch image upload does not work

Has anyone succeeded in getting the batch image upload endpoint to work? I'm getting the following error:
result: null,
success: false,
errors: [
code: "103",
message: "forbidden endpoint"
messages: []
result: null,
success: false,
errors: [
code: "103",
message: "forbidden endpoint"
messages: []
and it looks like some other people have the same issue:
Cloudflare Community
Images batch api gets error code 103 forbidden endpoint
Dear all, I first created an API with: All accounts - Stream:Read, Stream:Edit, Cloudflare Images:Read, Cloudflare Images:Edit, Account Analytics:Read, Access: Service Tokens:Read, Access: Service Tokens:Edit Verified ok. I then get a batch token: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer dfedHj6Yy1OXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \ "
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