MongoDB replica set problem
Hello, I want to setup a 3 node replica set to enable transactions and other important features. However, I find it frustrating to achieve in the Railway platform due to lack of SSH access. Can you share how to deploy 3 nodes replica set?
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Thanks @Brody I solved the problem. For some reason the mongo shell won't connect to the database for several attempts to perform the last step.
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lets ask @Nacho Codoñer
but nacho was indeed able to get it working, theres likely something small you have overlooked during your setup
Thanks @Brody I solved the problem. For some reason the mongo shell won't connect to the database for several attempts to perform the last step.
glad to hear!
Hello @elyas_eagle @Nacho Codoñer
I would love to have any feedback or insights on how to set up a mongodb replica
please see this message
if you're using MongoDB Compass don't forget to enable "Direct connection" after the setup