Railway•6mo ago

are the databases on railway managed?

Hi there! Am new to Railway and just had some questions around if the databases are managed? I tried looking through the docs, but couldn't quite get a clear answer if databases like Postgres and MongoDB are managed, or is that something we have to manage on our own since it's just launching from the docker file? Thanks!
11 Replies
Percy•6mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Aaron•6mo ago
I just signed up, so haven't spun up a project yet
Fragly•6mo ago
Railway doesn't offer managed databases Also welcome to railway 🙂
Aaron•6mo ago
Sounds good! When it comes to managing databases, how much work is it to maintain dbs from your experiences from other devs? I’m thinking of building a platform and am just curious about the amount of effort for maintaining dbs 😅
Fragly•6mo ago
Not that much trouble, spinning one up takes 2 button presses and you don't really have to worry about it after that unless you want to do stuff like make backups, which I've never done on railway so I'm not really sure how that goes
Aaron•6mo ago
oooo yeah thanks for the info! And I'm assuming it'll scale up if needed? Or is that something we have to do with the db itself?
Fragly•6mo ago
it'll scale vertically until you hit your service limit for your plan but horizontal scaling is managed by the end user I'm pretty sure
Aaron•6mo ago
Ah gotcha! Auto vertically scaling sounds nice. I’m assuming once you hit needing to horizontally scale, you’ll have to build in strategies for horizontal scaling in house then?
Fragly•6mo ago
Yea Never gone that far myself though, i only use railway for hobby projects so I've never really had to worry about any of that
Aaron•6mo ago
Yeah that’s fair. I think my project will start as a hobby one, but wanting to get a feel for this before I actually need to worry about scaling haha
Fragly•6mo ago
Makes sense best of luck 🙂