Graphic video

I am a filmmaker. A 4 hour movie we currently have hosted via Cloudflare features scenes of war, and stock footage of crime or public disturbance. We have read various terms of service and content policies, but with indirect wording we are left not knowing if we are welcome to use Cloudflare. A description of 3 graphic scenes A man has his fingers chopped off by a court (band of men) as punishment for groping; Two people are carried away by a truck after being swept up into the wheel arches - screaming and a paniced crowd; also, a mother holds a child passing away after a wall collapsed on him. Large pool of blood, lifeless body. Direct and factual input very much appreciated as to whether we are in good standing with the operation of Cloudflare, or if we need to take our film elsewhere. Thanks
3 Replies
Callum6mo ago
@Cloudflare (Server Owner)
Cyb3r-Jak36mo ago
Not an employee and unlikely to get an official answer in this server. Best guess is you are fine as long as the footage isn't illegal IE copyright. Cloudflare allow 18+ content to be hosted
Callum6mo ago
OK thank you Will also make a ticket
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