Railway6mo ago

How much traffic can Railway handle

Hey i got a website thats running on Railway rn: pasteme.co can it handle a production environment with 500-1mil traffic monthly
I'm not 100% sure how railway handles that amount of traffic I can answer your question in chat in the mean-time though
how much would i have to pay when hosting on railway
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13 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: N/A
teddy346mo ago
Fragly6mo ago
I'm not 100% sure how railway handles that amount of traffic I can answer your question in chat in the mean-time though
how much would i have to pay when hosting on railway
Your pricing on railway depends entirely on your app and how it's designed, so it's hard to say how much it'll cost on railway without knowing exactly how much resources it uses on railway you pay for the resources you use, and so you'd need to know your resource usage before you can estimate your costs Another concern for you regarding pricing is your egress, considering how much traffic you'll get Your egress won't depend on your traffic as much as it depends on what your traffic actually does example: if you're hosting a file sharing site then you'll have extremely large amounts of egress, but if you're simply hosting an API server that generates a random username then you'll have very little amounts of egress in comparison Given how big your app is, I'd recommend looking into enterprise where you can discuss the fine details with railway directly, but pro should be fine for your app too if your app's resource usage falls in pro plan's limits
Attacler/Bart6mo ago
If this is an application thats already running, it might help to share the resource usage of it
teddy346mo ago
so its telling this but no one uses it rn
No description
teddy346mo ago
if i redirect my complete traffic i doubt it stays the same
Fragly6mo ago
yea, with caching and such, it'll probably grow by a ton
teddy346mo ago
rn no one uses it so cach is litterly 0
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Brody6mo ago
going to bump this, tell us the resources in use on your current host
teddy346mo ago
idk cause rn im using an external guy who runs that i just know my traffic amount
Fragly6mo ago
Could be useful to ask that guy for your project usage details it's very important to know before migrating over to railway
teddy346mo ago
ive asked him
Brody6mo ago
Your pricing on railway depends entirely on your app and how it's designed, so it's hard to say how much it'll cost on railway without knowing exactly how much resources it uses