Also I think I may be hogging the chat a

Also I think I may be hogging the chat a little I should put this into #general-help
4 Replies
Mitya6mo ago
The discrepancy you highlight is baked into an image that is presumably dynamically generated on your back end. Have you looked at how that image gets built, and, crucially, what response data it gets from the API during the generation process - and whether that response data is up to date or not?
RyanKnack6mo ago
Hi, thanks for the thread. The image uses data from internal Prisma functions that fetches data straight from the database independent from CloudFlare So that data will always definitely be updated once new data comes in
Mitya6mo ago
Ah OK, gotcha, I thought you were saying the data in the image was out of date. OK, sorry I couldn't help further but I hope you manage to resolve it.
RyanKnack6mo ago
oh sad to hear but thanks for your time! Update: I think I've overlooked into something potentially important that isn't well documented in the API page. Turns out I have to also take note of the "Origin" header and the "CF-IPCountry" header which is part of the cache keys that isn't subjected to purging.
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