Railway7mo ago

API Requests TimedOut

I'm having an issue where some of my requests to the noblox.js API aren't returning and are being timed out. This doesn't occur all the time. I'm guessing this is because all the hobby Railway users are limited to the US-west region and the rate limit from noblox is being applied to everyone on that IP. Is someone able to confirm that that is the case, and if there is a workaround apart from purchasing the Pro tier to switch regions?
5 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: da5e31fa-6f5d-44e3-9bed-ac1fd298f8e0
harvey7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
I unfortunately dont see a way for you to test a different region without buying pro well aside from knowing someone whos on pro that would offer to run your app on their team
harvey7mo ago
alright no problem. do you think that is most likely the issue though?
Brody7mo ago
sounds very plausible, though there is more than 1 shared ip per region