Help me choose winter gloves
My choice is between two pairs. The first has this nice suede texture. The second pair looks more clean and also has buttons which probably will keep them fastened.
7 Replies
idk how i feel about the diamond pattern in the second one
are these gloves lined btw?
I personally prefer the second, because I don’t like the ‘two sides’ of the first one
oh yeah i didn't even notice that
what brands are you looking for gloves? what's your price range? are you looking for an interesting design or just classic leather gloves?
I think suede as winter clothing is self-defeating because suede is likely to get ruined in snow.
It's a local Polish brand that has moderate pricing. The description of first states cashmere-lined. I'm looking for a classic design, the second pair looks more polished in my opinion.
Not sure if I can post links but here it is:
Ekskluzywne rękawiczki męskie ocieplane kaszmirem - napoSUEDE (brąz...
napoSUEDE to ekskluzywne, brązowe, rękawiczki męskie na zimę. Wykonane ze skóry z dodatkowym, kaszmirowym ociepleniem. Zobacz teraz ⭐️
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First pair without quilting is way better.