Slow notifications

Hi, we are using cloud novu for in-app notifications and we have noticed some slowness couple of times. It happens for some time and get resolved automatically. As you can see from the attached image, it took almost 40s for the message to be sent out
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4 Replies
Hari Prasad
Hari Prasad6mo ago
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Hari Prasad
Hari Prasad6mo ago
Also attaching the time and transaction id
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
Hi Hari Thanks for sharing the details. I see it is approx 40 sec from step creation to message sent last week we have been working on our infrastructure. Few users in free tier have reported this delay. We are still working on some optimization. if you experience similar delay, feel free to share in this post
Hari Prasad
Hari Prasad6mo ago
Thank You @Pawan Jain