V0 + clicky - issue with bed probing after update

Hi I updated today ma v02. I am using clicky probe (full mesh during print) and it was working ok. Now I cant print because I have error. 15:14 Probe triggered prior to movement 15:14 Probe batch mode enabled: already deployed 15:13 echo: Pre-heating extruder... 15:12 echo: Heating bed... 15:12 Probe batch mode enabled: not stowing 15:12 probe: open 15:12 probe: TRIGGERED 15:12 Deploying probe 15:12 echo: Homing Z 15:12 Run Current: 0.98A Hold Current: 0.98A 15:12 Run Current: 0.98A Hold Current: 0.98A 15:12 Run Current: 0.61A Hold Current: 0.61A 15:12 Run Current: 0.61A Hold Current: 0.61A 15:12 echo: Homing Y 15:12 Run Current: 0.98A Hold Current: 0.98A 15:12 Run Current: 0.98A Hold Current: 0.98A 15:12 Run Current: 0.61A Hold Current: 0.61A 15:12 Run Current: 0.61A Hold Current: 0.61A 15:12 echo: Homing X 15:12 echo: Homing X Y Z 15:12 Probe batch mode enabled 15:12 File selected 15:12 File opened:pla/cartman_protonik_0.25mm_PLA_34m.gcode Size:4964655 15:12 SDCARD_PRINT_FILE FILENAME="pla/cartman_protonik_0.25mm_PLA_34m.gcode"
1 Reply
optimistic-gold6mo ago
Nvm it seems it is hardware issue.