Error deploy flask app
I'm trying to upload a simple flask application. The log shows it is working:
Serving Flask app 'app'
Debug mode: on
Running on http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/
Press CTRL+C to quit
Restarting with stat
Debugger is active!.
But when I click on the page address the message appears. Can someone help me pls?
9 Replies
Project ID:
no fragly π
we don't want to help them get the development server running, we instead want to help them run a production server, that page doesn't really tell you how to go from development to a production server
My Procfile looks like this: web: gunicorn main:app
does the filename have a capital "P"?
can you send your build logs please
the main file of my application is So is the code "web: gunicorn" within the Procfile file correct?
no, what you had here is more correct
build logs please