
just made this i need feedback for improvement on this
10 Replies
for me you do to add hover effect
Joao7mo ago
Pretty good overall, but I would increase the font size a little as well as the line height, to make sure that it's easier on the eyes to read. Also, please use #showcase for asking for feedback on portoflios and personal projects. I agree that some hover effects would help a lot with the UX
cubiq7mo ago
what's the reason for having the create account split? :D
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clevermissfox7mo ago
Would suggest putting your navigation inside of a icon like a hamburger menu on mobile , it looks very cluttered and chaotic when viewing on small screens. That will free up space so your create account button doesn’t have to break onto two
vert_Nk26☑7mo ago
Haven’t added media queries . I will thank That’s because I haven’t added media queries yet will scale it for mobile. Thanks Ok thanks
cubiq7mo ago
you shouldn't have to be using media queries for this tbh
vert_Nk26☑7mo ago
@cubiq get your point the create account should never be seperated they should always be together right? like text-wrap to nowrap right?
vince7mo ago
yup! or something like white-space: nowrap too. I like it just make sure to make it responsive! 🙂 Also don't use <br /> unless you have a semantic reason to do so. Multiple word blocks should be multiple paragraphs
vince7mo ago
Since you used br you can't control the spacing as easily as well. Look at this screenshot. Look at the spacing. Does it look off to you?
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vert_Nk26☑7mo ago
@vince thank did not know that but now i know thank you bro remove it asap