is tailwind css already installed with vsf UI 2?

here, i wana ask something that we know that vsf has builtin vsf 2 configration that we can to make out website looking good but my concrn is i would like to use tailwind css that is with vsf UI 2 can we use it there is vsf??
4 Replies
skirianov6mo ago
Hey, can you confirm you're talking about Storefront UI 2, right?
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman6mo ago
yes i m talking about storefront 2 i know about ui 2 but can i implement tailwind in v1?? tell me if there is a way
skirianov6mo ago
If tailwind supports Nuxt2 then you can use tailwind, but you can't style SFUI1 components with tailwind because they are SCSS based (or SASS if I'm mistaken)
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman6mo ago
okk thank u man