Railway•6mo ago

Redis migration confusion

Hello, I clicked the migrate button in Redis and it failed the first time and seems to have worked the second time. My confusion though lies in which redis instance is the new migrated one. When I click "View Next Steps" and then "Go to new database" it takes me to "Redis Legacy" on the canvas (very confusing if this is actually the new migrated redis instance). I used to have one redis on my canvas and now I have 3: https://share.cleanshot.com/pCVbncnD 1. Which is the new one I need to point my app at? 2. Which are the old ones I need to delete? Thanks for the help.
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CleanShot 2023-12-13 at 15.48.06
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11 Replies
Percy•6mo ago
Project ID: 16bf5d62-bf3b-40bc-9df7-4472c0e309c3
steadymade•6mo ago
Brody•6mo ago
you migrated at a bad time, not your fault what so ever though, right now i can tell you that the left database is your original
thomas•6mo ago
This is likely related to the ongoing incident. #🚨|incidents for updates You should be able to hit the migrate button again after we reactivate it
Brody•6mo ago
for now you can delete the other two (the ones with the volume) and then once the incident is over you can try the migration again
steadymade•6mo ago
I appreciate the help @Brody, but is this the official recomendation from railway @thomas ?
Brody•6mo ago
i dont work for railway, but thats what im recommending because the migration was ran during the incident so theres a good change theres issues with those two new redis databases, better be safe than sorry, your original database is still in tact on the left
thomas•6mo ago
This advice seems solid to me, but we will be communicating best next steps more clearly after the incident is resolved
Brody•6mo ago
@steadymade - could you try agian now, should be fixed
steadymade•6mo ago
@Brody just successfully retried and it worked. Thanks guys!
Brody•6mo ago