Dash6mo ago

No tool edit icon visible

thank you! found it in active tools, but for some reason the icon doesn't appear (also when active tools is closed).
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65 Replies
DanielFreden6mo ago
Creating a thread so we can get to the bottom with this issue 🙂 Could you record your screen while doing these steps ? 1. Make sure the UE output log is open and visible on the video 2. opening the path scatter in the list that is related to the trees on the picture 3. adjusting some parameters in path scatter 4. click anywhere, and then click the trees again 5. Close the Dash bar and re-open it, then try selecting the trees again
Sitta6mo ago
Sure. Here you go
DanielFreden6mo ago
awesome, thank you. Could you try two more things, 1. Create a new path scatter, and see if that gives you the icon 2. Try a Surface Scatter and see if you get the icon for that
Sitta6mo ago
Sitta6mo ago
DanielFreden6mo ago
Thanks! Let me talk with our Devs and get back to you
Sitta6mo ago
Thanks 🙂
DanielFreden6mo ago
two last question, have you tried saving and re-starting UE? And what UE version are you on?
Sitta6mo ago
I was just about to do that. I'm on 5.3.2
DanielFreden6mo ago
perfect, let me know if that helps 😄
Sitta6mo ago
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Sitta6mo ago
re-opened the project. now when i click on the scatter i get the instance variation icon
Sitta6mo ago
same for the path scatter
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DanielFreden6mo ago
interesting! I will let you know when I have some ideas from the devs. But another thing you can ofc try, is to re-install Dash
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
@pbrgle1 Are you getting any errors in your output log whenever you select some instances?
Sitta6mo ago
No I removed all the tools and made a new scatter
Sitta6mo ago
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Sitta6mo ago
and now the icon is here, but is the red icon also supposed to be there?
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
yeah the red icon is where you'd set color variation when scattering.
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
the workflow is a tad convoluted atm, we'll refine it in the next update 🙂
Sitta6mo ago
Nice. How do i get the materials icon to appear? I'm using megascans trees in my scatter and don't get this icon probably need to have the material setup in a certain way?
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
yeah that's why 😦 our custom materials are applied on all regular megascans assets, but not the trees I'm afraid. We're looking into ways to make our materials global, but as you may have noticed ,the tree materials on Megascans are quite heavy/bloated for tons of specific features.
Sitta6mo ago
oh ok 🙂 good to know. I hope the icon quirk was a one time thing because the solution was to delete all tools. If the scene was already developed and the issue appeared later, it would suck if had to delete everything to get the icon back 😅
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
indeed 😅 this is the first time we see such an issue, and I've got no clue what's the cause tbf. I would suggest to uninstall Dash (from the regular Windows uninstall panel) then reinstall it, just to be 100% sure that this wasn't the cause. Also be on the lookout for any weird error 🙏
Sitta6mo ago
Will do. And i'll let you know if i notice any patterns if this happens again more often. it happened again, but lsightly differently. Now the scatter is no loger in the active tools.
Sitta6mo ago
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Sitta6mo ago
some scatters disappeared, some remain
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
@spatiotemporal any clue what could be causing this? No idea at this point 😕
spatiotemporal6mo ago
question, what are you scattering?
Sitta6mo ago
megascans rocks and grass
spatiotemporal6mo ago
i meant what are you scattering ON
Sitta6mo ago
oh, meshes
spatiotemporal6mo ago
is it also megascans stuff?
Sitta6mo ago
nanite meshes with displacement if this is relevant...
spatiotemporal6mo ago
tbh it shouldnt matter in a sense as the tool would get deleted(gone) in 2 cases: you either delete the output of it(the instanced meshes generated), even if you redo it's gone other is: either corrupted file on disk which should corrupt all others or removal(but you have to say confirm it, so its not easy)
Sitta6mo ago
hmm maybe it's datasmith... i'm using datasmith for rhino -> unreal and i re-imported the file a couple of times
spatiotemporal6mo ago
i dont think it should be a problem as it's an input, not the output of the tool
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
Perhaps datasmith meshes have some custom data, or are blueprints, due to some livelink requirements between UE and Rhino?
Sitta6mo ago
i'm not using the live link. i export datasmith files from rhino and import manually it's more reliable this way
spatiotemporal6mo ago
he's still not modifying the OUTPUT of the tool, which is an instancer the only thing I can think of it is that it was deleted once accidentally
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
Nah he even redid the thing a few times AFAIK, still the same issue.
spatiotemporal6mo ago
Sitta6mo ago
hmm so if you delete and undo, the tool doesn't come back
spatiotemporal6mo ago
there's also one more thing, you are using cesium as I see... I dunno if they are modifying tags themselves yes
Sitta6mo ago
i don't recall deleting and re-doing, but that could be it
spatiotemporal6mo ago
(in the works) also could you check this guy
spatiotemporal6mo ago
search for tags on the Actor generated:
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Sitta6mo ago
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spatiotemporal6mo ago
Can you consistently reproduce these problems? If so I would be available for a call and we could track this down :^)
Sitta6mo ago
2nd time this happened now. it may have been a delete and undo, but I don't think so. i'll let you know next time it happens and then we can have a look if you wish compared to yours, my tag is on index 0, if that's relevant?
spatiotemporal6mo ago
It doesn't matter where it is, but it's usually on index0, I just had something there beforehand it would matter if it was missing
Sitta6mo ago
it is normal that all scatters are numbered 0?
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spatiotemporal6mo ago
yes unfortunately, for now 🙂
Sitta6mo ago
ok, thought this might cause some conflicts 😄 any way of copying settings from scatter to scatter? or saving presets?
spatiotemporal6mo ago
presets not yet, copying no, but that's a good idea that's relatively simple to implement
Sitta6mo ago
i also noticed the proximity mask gets less accurate the more surfaces i add
spatiotemporal6mo ago
I don't know if we schedule a hotfix(soon there's a new release), but I'll check this
Sitta6mo ago
so i would like to have multiple scatters with the same settings
spatiotemporal6mo ago
Yes, Proximity's problem is fixed in the new Surface Scatter(which comes next release), it was for different purposes and sort of stayed
Sitta6mo ago
good to know 🙂 any estimate when the new release will be out? i'm still on my trial and i see huge potential in this tool, but these little quirks are making me question if it's woth 200+€ (for now).
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
Next version is coming end of next week 🙂 When does your trial expire btw? We can extend it for the month January, just to give you more time to play with it when you come back from the holidays 🙂 DM me your license email, and I'll handle it
Sitta6mo ago
that would be awesome 🙂
spatiotemporal6mo ago
btw for now what you could do instead of presets or copying is linking them together, there's a mini tutorial here: https://discord.com/channels/826908885024636989/1154397483041042442/1171784245925130322
Sitta6mo ago
Will the update work with current projects using Dash? it expieres in 12 days (just started using the tool) 🙂 wow this is super useful. It is a bit difficult to find these guides/tutorials. They are a bit scattered (pun indended) between youtube, discord and the website.
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette6mo ago
yeah we're looking into ways to make it all easily accessible in Dash; will share more on that soon! 🙂