bazzite-flatpak-manager fails to run

On a system that was rebased from an existing Silverblue installation to bazzite-deck-gnome, my system logs are filled with:
Dec 14 11:09:59 fedora systemd[1]: bazzite-flatpak-manager.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 283. Dec 14 11:09:59 fedora systemd[1]: Starting bazzite-flatpak-manager.service - Manage system flatpaks... Dec 14 11:09:59 fedora bazzite-flatpak-manager[29043]: cat: /etc/bazzite/flatpak_manager_version: No such file or directory Dec 14 11:09:59 fedora flatpak[29049]: system: Modified remote flathub to Dec 14 11:10:00 fedora bazzite-flatpak-manager[29059]: error: org.gnome.Calculator/x86_64/stable is already installed from remote fedora Dec 14 11:10:00 fedora systemd[1]: bazzite-flatpak-manager.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Dec 14 11:10:00 fedora systemd[1]: bazzite-flatpak-manager.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 14 11:10:00 fedora systemd[1]: Failed to start bazzite-flatpak-manager.service - Manage system flatpaks.
āÆ flatpak list | grep Calculator
Calculator org.gnome.Calculator 45.0.2 stable fedora system
āÆ flatpak list | grep Calculator
Calculator org.gnome.Calculator 45.0.2 stable fedora system
I believe that these are pre-installed Flatpaks from Silverblue. What's the best way to resolve this?
All right, this has been fixed! Thanks for the report
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16 Replies
HikariKnightā€¢6mo ago
you can try remove calculator and the other flatpaks it complains about so the managed reinstalls them and is happy flatpak remove org.gnome.Calculator as the manager is meant to just install the flatpaks its supposed to install and then never run again. you can also stop it from running again by writing 9 into /etc/bazzite/flatpak_manager_version according to kyle
Jilongā€¢6mo ago
I suppose the most direct way would be for me to reinstall those Flatpaks from the flathub remote. This will still likely be a problem for other users who rebase from the offical Fedora Silverblue. Should bazzite-flatpak-manager perhaps aside from forcibly removing the fedora remote also automatically reinstall these fedora-sourced Flatpaks? If I just remove the Calculator Flatpak, then the script will not see it as an installed application and won't try to install it from Flathub. I will just have lost that Flatpak from my installation. Should I file this as a bug against bazzite-flatpak-manager?
HikariKnightā€¢6mo ago
bazzite doesnt use the fedora flatpak remote so removing/disabling that remote will be fine
No description
HikariKnightā€¢6mo ago
you can file it to bazzite i believe since you have a way to replicate it too so someone familiar with it can make a workaround in the manager i believe so the correct approach to fix it would probably be to disable the fedora remote and then uninstall calculator and the other fedora provided flatpaks šŸ¤” then the script should reinstall them from flathub i would imagine
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeā€¢6mo ago
I will take a look at this a little later today
EyeCantCUā€¢6mo ago
Is it not checking for installed FPs anymore? Ope yup. We can't pass the whole list. We need to check for what's installed via $FLATPAK_LIST and omit it from $INSTALL_LIST Can fix here in a little while Might be able to get it from my phone... But basically
for flatpak in $INSTALL_LIST; do
if grep $flatpak <<< $FLATPAK_LIST; then
INSTALL_LIST=$(echo $INSTALL_LIST | sed 's/$flatpak//'
for flatpak in $INSTALL_LIST; do
if grep $flatpak <<< $FLATPAK_LIST; then
INSTALL_LIST=$(echo $INSTALL_LIST | sed 's/$flatpak//'
Jilongā€¢6mo ago
That won't quite work. There are several applications whose names are extensions of other applications, e.g., and that will probably bork the snippet above.
flatpak list --columns=application | grep -vf - /usr/share/ublue-os/bazzite/flatpak/install
flatpak list --columns=application | grep -vf - /usr/share/ublue-os/bazzite/flatpak/install
That snippet seems to do what you want: list everything from /usr/share/ublue-os/bazzite/flatpak/install that isn't already listed in flatpak list --columns=application.
EyeCantCUā€¢6mo ago
Good point. Will look into it further Easy work around would be to run sed a single time And ensure packages are sorted properly sed '0,/$flatpak/{s///}'
Jilongā€¢6mo ago
To each their own style šŸ™‚ I just favor pipes over loops.
EyeCantCUā€¢6mo ago
Oh I didn't see you had a different solution there. I like it better lol
HikariKnightā€¢6mo ago
i never managed to understand sed as i pefer the perl regex syntax way more for finding things šŸ˜… (maybe because i scripted in perl for almost a decade)
EyeCantCUā€¢6mo ago
All right, this has been fixed! Thanks for the report
EyeCantCUā€¢6mo ago
I just pick up on things as I go. My favorite is whatever works šŸ™‚
Jilongā€¢6mo ago
To close this thread and mark it as fixed, I'll note that this issue is fixed in the next bazzite release. Thanks again, @EyeCantCU!
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeā€¢6mo ago
builds just finished this should be on all 3 branches now
HikariKnightā€¢6mo ago
Which is why I use perl for regex instead of sed in scripts since perls original purpose was text parsing šŸ˜›