Cannot issue TLS certificate

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Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
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33 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: 207e5ca7-1a58-448f-bc94-734033c10e9c,fcc58610-3a48-43ed-9066-e299643ad6bb
Brody6mo ago
do you own
lakhansamani6mo ago
Brody6mo ago
forgive me, but thats a bit hard to believe
lakhansamani6mo ago
Well you can check my commits here 😄
GitHub - authorizerdev/authorizer: Your data, your control. Fully o...
Your data, your control. Fully open source, authentication and authorization. No lock-ins. Deployment in Railway in 120 seconds || Spin a docker image as a micro-service in your infra. Built in lo...
Brody6mo ago
ive been proven wrong, thats my bad how long ago did you add the domain?
lakhansamani6mo ago
1 day back and few hours back
Brody6mo ago
you could remove it and re-add it?
lakhansamani6mo ago
Already tried that but its not working
Brody6mo ago
I shall flag the team and they will be able to kick it along on a work day
Duchess6mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
lakhansamani6mo ago
Thanks 👍
Brody6mo ago
wouldn’t hurt to remove and re-add a few more times though
lakhansamani6mo ago
Tried that already Would love to know the root cause of it.
Brody6mo ago
ill be honest, im not too sure if the team will be able to get to this any time soon
JustJake6mo ago
Need to know the service @lakhansamani Neither of those services exist so I can't track it
lakhansamani6mo ago
projectID: 5c5f5180-6a7a-4879-90b7-3be712035a1e serviceID: 8d960fdd-e673-4b7c-b06c-6f5f2a966445 Here it is reproducbile once again
JustJake6mo ago
Yea this is definitely not showing up on our side How are you adding this domain? too many certificates already issued for \"\" That's an interesting one Sounds like you'll need to remove it and wait to try again later If you're gonna do this generation for certs I'd recommend just having a wildcard cert, and funneling it to a backend you can mux the subdomain on
lakhansamani6mo ago
Yes, I want to use wildcard cert only, How can I use it with railway any docs on that? This was just a development phase of authorizer cloud, and we got this error
too many certificates already issued for \"\"
too many certificates already issued for \"\"
Worried if we can hit production with this
JustJake6mo ago
lakhansamani6mo ago
@Brody where can I find option to create DNS record?
Brody6mo ago
have you read the docs page I linked
Brody6mo ago
you need to add a wildcard domain to see that information
lakhansamani6mo ago
so, if I understand correctly, I need to do this only once OR for any given service that I try to add a subdomain?
Brody6mo ago
yes but your app itself would need to be able to do host based routing
lakhansamani6mo ago
So basically I should create a proxy server (authorizer-proxy-server) - this server should add wild card domain - every new domain I add should have a cname record of this server - this server decided where to route ?
Brody6mo ago
I honestly don't know how you should architect this, authorizer is your project so you would know best
lakhansamani6mo ago
Jake can you share more insight on this, I would like to have some thing simpler like Where I can upload a wildcard certificate in my account and map that to custom domains that I create!
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JustJake6mo ago
You should create it once, and map that domain to a service you own That service should be responsible for reading the traffic and directing it to your other services (if you're spinning these up programatically)
lakhansamani6mo ago
okay I hope that doesn't lead latency & load balancing issues, but for MVP I can try Should I use internal url for that routing? Also I have deleted my tests projects so now authorizer domain urls should be gone, I hope too many certificates already issued for \"\" it doesn't give me this error, can you remove dangling urls from the cache or your storage if they persist thanks Do you think it can create some loadbalancing and latency issues?
JustJake6mo ago
You'll need to delete them. Once deleted they'll be removed You may want to create an LB in each region then allocate it under that region for your URLs *.<region> Lmk how that is and we can check back on it