Website content disturbed on Iphone

I have made a website using html, CSS bootstrap and JavaScript. It is working good on different screen sizes and different mobile but is not working good on iPhone 7. The whole content of the website is distrub check the attach img it is not showing correctly why
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7 Replies
clevermissfox6mo ago
Can you please show a reference photo of how it renders on other phones/how you want it to look? Are you comparing all devices on the same browser (chrome, Firefox , safari etc)?
Moni6mo ago check it.. Yes I am comparing it on same browser the only issue is when. I open it in iPhone 7 but when I inscept it everything works wel
clevermissfox6mo ago
So in this photo , the globe is too big or the avatar is too small ?
Moni6mo ago
it is not browser compatible why ?
clevermissfox6mo ago
Is the globe too big or avatar too small? I can’t tell the scale from your screenshot
Moni6mo ago
both of them sizes are increased when i open i on my mobile it works great but it is not working good for other iphone 7 css is not working properly
clevermissfox6mo ago
Have you tried more than one browser on the iPhone 7?