How is Flash memory different from ROM in microcontrollers?

When it comes to the brains of electronic systems, microcontrollers play a big role, and two crucial components within their architecture are RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory). RAM (Random Access Memory): RAM is the dynamic, volatile memory in a microcontroller that serves as a temporary workspace during program execution. Unlike non-volatile memory like ROM, RAM loses its content when power is removed. 1. Speed and Accessibility: Being volatile allows RAM to offer fast read and write access times. This makes it ideal for tasks that demand quick data retrieval and modification during program execution. 2. Temporary Storage: RAM is used to store variables, data, and intermediate results generated during the execution of a program. Its volatile nature makes it perfect for quick read and write operations. ROM (Read-Only Memory): ROM, as the name implies, is non-volatile memory that retains its content even when power is removed. It stores the microcontroller's firmware, including the program code and essential data that needs to be preserved across power cycles. Key attributes of ROM include: 1. Program Code Storage: The program code that defines the microcontroller's functionality is stored in ROM. This code is executed by the microcontroller's CPU to carry out various tasks. 2. Bootloader and Initialization Code: Many microcontrollers have a portion of ROM dedicated to a bootloader or initialization code. This code is responsible for initiating the system, loading the main program from external sources if necessary, and ensuring a smooth start-up process.
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7 Replies
Chimmuanya Okere
Good day everyone, wanted to know. During firmware development, at which memory is local and global variables stored. And when we talk about RAM data been wiped off after power is down what does that really mean. I need a clear understanding on this. Thank you.
Saßì6mo ago
In firmware development, local variables are typically stored in the stack memory, while global variables reside in RAM (Random Access Memory). When we mention RAM data being wiped off after power down, it means the volatile nature of RAM causes it to lose its stored information when the power is removed. Unlike non-volatile memory (like ROM), which retains its content, RAM is temporary storage used for quick read and write operations during program execution. If
Chimmuanya Okere
i guess RAM uses a different design pattern from ROM.
Saßì6mo ago
Yes, that's correct! RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics in terms of design and functionality. RAM is designed for fast read and write access, making it suitable for temporary storage of variables, data, and intermediate results during program execution. Its volatile nature allows for quick data retrieval and modification, but the stored information is lost when power is removed. On the other hand, ROM is non-volatile memory, retaining its content even when power is off. It is used to store the microcontroller's firmware, including the program code and essential data needed for the device to function. ROM is more permanent and is typically not modified during regular operation. Both RAM and ROM play crucial roles in the overall operation of a microcontroller, each optimized for specific tasks and requirements.
Chimmuanya Okere
Thanks then when we talk about flash memory, how is it different from ROM. @Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande6mo ago
Hi, @Chimmuanya Okere from the microcontroller firmware programming perspective. The data or code written in ROM during production is not easily reprogrammable by end users. And thus, it's been used to store bootloader code, an algorithm to control, driver initialization, configuration settings, etc. But these days many developers prefer to store firmware and all related programs in Flash memory itself. Because they are not much different except Flash memory provides flexibility to allow reprogramming compared to ROM. I hope this answers the question.
Manuel6mo ago
@Chimmuanya Okere: Functionwise flash is in between RAM and ROM. Changing ROM is typically very slow (if possible at all) and limited to very few cycles, before it breaks. Therefore it is used for data that is not changed on a regular basis. Changing RAM is fast, as this is the main purpose of it. But it loses its data fast, too. So it has to be rewritten in short intervals, therefore can only be useful when this is possible (system is powered on). Flash can store data over extended periods without power, but is quite slower changing data, compared to RAM. With modern flash technology, data can be stored for years, it can withstand a lot of rewrite cycles and the price of it has come down significantly. Therefore it has replaced many typical uses cases of ROM nowadays.
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