Railway6mo ago

Newly Created Acc

why cant I use free trial plan? my friends can use it why cant I? I cant deploy my code badly needed help from admin/developer please for academic purposes also I cant afford hobby plan
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You'd need to subscribe to hobby plan to deploy code on Railway
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7 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Fragly6mo ago
Wdym, the screeshot you sent seems to indicate you do have 5 dollars in free credit, which is what you get from the trial plan
Kurasao6mo ago
i have 5$ but it says limited trial plan
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Fragly6mo ago
Oh that happens if your railway deems your Github account too new or suspicious, and so in order to prevent abuse on their platform, they may then only offer a limited trial plan, which only lets you deploy databases I believe There's not really a workaround to this
Fragly6mo ago
You'd need to subscribe to hobby plan to deploy code on Railway
Adam6mo ago
Yep, what Fragly said is correct. Railway is not free. You’ll have to upgrade to the Hobby plan to deploy any apps on Railway Also, please don’t create duplicate threads. You got this exact same response half an hour ago in your last thread
Kurasao6mo ago
sorry I kinda need some clarification, thank youuu