Railway6mo ago

Error when deploying project

Hi, I am reporting an issue I encountered after pushing an update to my project on github : "Error: Unable to access jarfile build/libs/M" I tried to fix it but I have no idea how, i decided to rollback to an old version that was working but I still get the same error
5 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: 12df78b6-a08b-4bf6-936b-8ec6a7e55899
Poui6mo ago
12df78b6-a08b-4bf6-936b-8ec6a7e55899 Can I get some assistance or at least a direction to try and solve it ? Will I get a response if I contact you through mails ?
Medim6mo ago
Can you be more descriptive on your issue? What language? What are you deploying? This is community help, so there aren't many ppl online atm
Poui6mo ago
I am coding in Kotlin, I pushed an update two days ago that set off this error, I tried to fix it but I didn't manage to do it so I rolled back to the previous version that was working and I am still getting the same exact error
No description
Poui6mo ago
It's a program that does api calls to multiple services, Furious Squad, Notion, Dropbox, Brevo etc I redeployed a 5 month old build and I still get the same error Can someone from the official railway team check my issue ? All the build before were at least deploying, I never saw that error before and it happens to any previous or new commit i make