Backup files

Hello Railway team, I have a question, I have a node js project that has a folder in the public that
10 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Fragly6mo ago
That seems like a statement and not a question
MantisInABox6mo ago
@Sebastian Blueberry can you provide more context please? N/A
Sebastian Blueberry
What happens is that I uploaded a project through github and I upload images when I make a new upload, I lose the images that I already had and I want to see if I can make a backup of that folder in some way
MantisInABox6mo ago
You would want to use volumes. Container storage is ephemeral and wipes with every deploy.
Fragly6mo ago
^ and here's a link to Railway's Volumes, this allows you to store files persistently across deployments
Sebastian Blueberry
And there are no ways to access those folders or download them?
Fragly6mo ago
You can do that via code that you would need to make
MantisInABox6mo ago
Make sure you read the entire page. You would need to either setup your application to read/download those files, or you can use a file browser template from