Message content could not be generated and Subscriber does not have an active integration

Hey guys, after bumping from v0.18 to 0.22 im getting the error Message content could not be generated in a specific worfklow. In another one i get Subscriber does not have an active integration. I self host the api, web, websocket, widget and worket. All of them on v0.22.0. It happens either using trigger on web ui or @novu/node on v0.22.0.
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4 Replies
Charlie6mo ago
Had the same issue, I removed an empty <style></style> tag from my html layout and it fixed it
AndreLuizsgf5mo ago
hey @Charlie that isnt my case. I dont know if anything in my styles could generate this problem.
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AndreLuizsgf5mo ago
@Pawan Jain do you have any suggestions for this problem?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
@AndreLuizsgf Subscriber does not have an active integration is coming with email step? Did you check if any of the email integration is active and primary? When you upgraded 0.18.0 to 0.22.0, Did you run all migrations? Closing this due to inactivity. Feel free to open a new support post if needed