I cant connect to Connect OAUTH with my Quest

I have made the API Key the secret and the Client as you can see in the picture. I know for a fact im doing something wrong else it would work like a charm right? Can someone Please HELP!?
18 Replies
andybak•6mo ago
This sounds like a developer question rather than an end-user question. Can you provide a bit more information about what you're trying to do?
phnx•6mo ago
Im trying to build open brush to my quest 2 and I tried to follow the instructions on github to the best of my abilities but not having much of luck in it as I havnt developed with Oauth before in my development career
andybak•6mo ago
OK. Why are you making your own build? Anything specific?
phnx•6mo ago
Yeah Im a freelance VR game dev and the client want to rig the open brush project with another package called VR Interaction Framework
andybak•6mo ago
Ah OK. I'd be very interested to know how you get on with that! Back to oAuth. I'm not sure - I've never used my own secrets. Maybe @mikesky might have some ideas when he's back. (I tend to rely on the Github CI which automatically injects secrets in the build. The few times I've done a manual build, I've not bothered with oAuth)
phnx•6mo ago
How do I do that
andybak•6mo ago
open-brush/.github/workflows/build.yml at main · icosa-foundation/o...
Open Brush is the open source, community led evolution of Tilt Brush! Forked from https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush - icosa-foundation/open-brush
andybak•6mo ago
it's currently set up to only inject secrets on builds on the main repo (oversimplification) but you can probably figure out how to modify that file @mikeage is the expert on this (different Mike!)
phnx•6mo ago
Also does the video recording work on standlalone? I saw post of august saying it doesnt work on standalone only on PCVR?
andybak•6mo ago
Yep. PC VR only at the moment. If you're interested in contributing a fix for that. we'd be overjoyed! I had a brief look and bundling the ffmpeg exe is an issue on Android and I couldn't find a neat Unity wrapper that had a compatible licence.
andybak•6mo ago
Actually - I think https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit looked plausible depending on your interpretation of LGPL...
GitHub - arthenica/ffmpeg-kit: FFmpeg Kit for applications. Support...
FFmpeg Kit for applications. Supports Android, Flutter, iOS, Linux, macOS, React Native and tvOS. Supersedes MobileFFmpeg, flutter_ffmpeg and react-native-ffmpeg. - GitHub - arthenica/ffmpeg-kit: F...
andybak•6mo ago
(by the way - this is no pretty off-topic! can you create a new bug report for anything new or move to #development-discussion🥽 ? )
phnx•6mo ago
Yeah I would love to contribute to it but flankly speaking I've only been developing for a year or so and always stayed and near and dear to unity and just heard of open bruh two weeks ago haha so this type of things are going over my head right now...
phnx•6mo ago
also I was wondering why the gifs and snapshots are black I did it being resolved in this https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/issues/388
Snapshots and GIFs are all black on Quest · Issue #388 · icosa-foun...
Discussed in #385 Originally posted by mikepelletier January 30, 2023 I don't seem to be able to make a snapshot or a gif on the quest, the saved images are all black.
mikesky•6mo ago
We are happy for anyone even opening the project and taking a look, so please don't ever feel that experience is a blocker to submitting features or fixes! 😄 People with much less experience in Unity than you have already contributed fixes
mikesky•6mo ago
I think you see this screen if you haven't added the right scopes on google oauth, can I confirm you added the drive scopes as per https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush?tab=readme-ov-file#google-oauth-consent-screen-information ?
GitHub - icosa-foundation/open-brush: Open Brush is the open source...
Open Brush is the open source, community led evolution of Tilt Brush! Forked from https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush - GitHub - icosa-foundation/open-brush: Open Brush is the open source, commu...
mikesky•6mo ago
You may also need to go through verification
phnx•6mo ago
Yes heres the scopes as discussed in the documentation
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