avc denied errors

uhm is this safe to ignore?
use silverblue iso or kinoite iso and then rebase from that
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42 Replies
trevi꧁6mo ago
...probably not maybe i shouldve used the normal image instead of deck? i mean i have amd hardware but maybe its not compatible
HikariKnight6mo ago
that is all selinux denying something, what were you doing?
trevi꧁6mo ago
trying to install bazzite
HikariKnight6mo ago
selinux shouldnt get in the way for that
trevi꧁6mo ago
idk i just flashed with fedora media writer then booted to bazzite installer hold up- is it not compatible with secure boot?
HikariKnight6mo ago
the installer is still bazzites sore point since its all experimental stuff, its essentially a net installer and if you have any issues with it, it is recommended to install fedora silverblue(gnome) or kinoite(kde) and then rebase from that. secureboot should be supported, but you might have to add the keys after install. i know you have to do that for nvidia images at least
trevi꧁6mo ago
im full amd cpu and gpu
HikariKnight6mo ago
i keep secure boot off on my system as i do a lot of weird stuff with it that is not secure boot compatible 😂
trevi꧁6mo ago
HikariKnight6mo ago
give me a moment to grab a spare laptop
trevi꧁6mo ago
faceit requires secure boot thats the only reason why i have it on
HikariKnight6mo ago
ah my laptop which i do use for testing i cant do on my main pc is left at work. but to my knowledge secure boot should be supported
trevi꧁6mo ago
secure boot off same thing
HikariKnight6mo ago
use silverblue iso or kinoite iso and then rebase from that
HikariKnight6mo ago
there is hopefully an updated installer coming with fedora 40, as long as it doesnt get pushed to 41 which should help from my understanding, but since it is not available atm there is not much we can do other than use silverblue/kinoite + rebase as a workaround for installer issues
trevi꧁6mo ago
ok thanks
HikariKnight6mo ago
were you going to use the kde or gnome desktop?
trevi꧁6mo ago
kde ofc
HikariKnight6mo ago
yeah so install fedora kinoite then once thats installed run the below command in a terminal depending if you want the desktop or deck image deck: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck:latest desktop: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:latest
trevi꧁6mo ago
HikariKnight6mo ago
once that is done, reboot and you should be in bazzite since you rebased from fedora, it is important to rebase again to the signed image once you are booted into bazzite deck: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck:latest desktop: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:latest
trevi꧁6mo ago
wait so first i have to rebase to unverified and then signed?
HikariKnight6mo ago
trevi꧁6mo ago
why like
HikariKnight6mo ago
because youre rebasing from stock fedora silverblue/kinoite they do not have our signing keys
trevi꧁6mo ago
yea but i mean why not rebase to signed directly
HikariKnight6mo ago
how would you verify it?
trevi꧁6mo ago
by rebasing to the signed image?
HikariKnight6mo ago
yeah but fedora does not have the ublue signing keys on the system it cant verify the images
trevi꧁6mo ago
oh well
HikariKnight6mo ago
its like trying to install a package on debian without the package maintainers public key once that new fedora installer is available we are hoping the install experience will be less buggy since right now it is to my understanding kind of hacked together to work
trevi꧁6mo ago
☠️ i hope so too i think my flash drive just died fedora writer gave me 3 errors but i have like 6/7 more so same issue with fedora installer must be a problem with fedora? wth is happening so the fedora installer doesnt have the selinux packages and stuff so i cant set it to permissive well the only thing i know is that it works on virtualbox (kinda) so it must be a problem with my system i guess so according to what i read it could be a problem with security labels this must be the problem because i installed pop os before on the same partition
1/4 Life
1/4 Life6mo ago
I would make sure you're making all new partitions Immutable Fedora does not support custom formatting, you'll want automatic partitioning Upstream thing
trevi꧁6mo ago
oh well i was choosing format ☠️ so i have to delete the partitions and then create new partitions right
1/4 Life
1/4 Life6mo ago
there's a delete all option if you just want to redo
trevi꧁6mo ago
ok this time its denying but only relabelto with command "pool" oh nvm i think im just gonna scrap the idea of installing bazzite because i cant even install fedora
HikariKnight6mo ago
the anaconda installer is pretty weird, and is my least favorite installer out of all the GUI installers for linux what is the process you did in the installer?
trevi꧁6mo ago
just a normal custom install, root account enabled and user trevi with "administrator" and no password
HikariKnight6mo ago
custom partitioning is not really supported for atomic fedora systems though, we do not have control over the installer to disable that if you tried to do a custom partitioning
trevi꧁6mo ago
so the only option is to install to the whole drive?
HikariKnight6mo ago
it is the easiest as ostree doesnt really use a traditional layout, think someone have managed to do custom partitioning by replicating the layout but those installs will be unsupported https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/installation/#manual-partition https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/installation/#known-limitations linking to silverblue documentation since its effectively the same base
Fedora Docs
Installing Fedora Silverblue
Learn more about Fedora Linux, the Fedora Project & the Fedora Community.
trevi꧁6mo ago