Question regarding changing thermistor sensor pin

Hi Y'all, I'm pretty sure that I fried the sensor circuit for the hot end thermistor on the BTT octopus V1.1 board. I'm trying to change the T0 pin from PF4 to PF5 to see if that circuit would fix it(Picture below). I'm very much a novice with klipper and octopus so forgive the basic questions. Is there a simple way to redefine TEMP_0_PIN in ratos or do I have to build a whole new octopus board firmware.bin with the new pin definitions?
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2 Replies
Just override it in your printer.cfg. no need to redefine Temp_0_pin Look at the klipper configuration documentation
Louis B
Louis B6mo ago
Holy cow, that worked! Thank you very much! I've spent so many hours trying to trouble shoot this. Picture below for the override.
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