Duplicate DM, can't claim spawn

Hello, a user received 2 DMs to accept a spawn, after this the spawn bugged and cannot be claimed. I searched for this in this discord and found some results but no solutions. UniqueViolationError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "respawn_hunt_server_id_respawn_id_status_idx" DETAIL: Key (server_id, respawn_id, status)=(1177012910002819103, 5, HUNTING) already exists
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Tschisβ€’138d ago
Hi! In the past a resp clear command used to help in some cases If it doesnt help here and it is still broken, let me know
Spiralβ€’138d ago
Hello, After the duration of the hunt concluded (3h15) NabBot sent two messages clearing both claims and the issue was resolved, If it happens again I will try resp clear. Thankyou for your help 😊
Spiralβ€’135d ago
had the same issue again, resp clear worked, only issue is losing the queue
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