high memory usage
Hi, I just opened an app on the hobby plan but it keeps getting stopped due to high memory usage even after I raised the limits from $10 to $12 recently
It's a standard ruby on rails (7) app with a postgres database attached.
Just wondering if anybody has an idea why the memory usage might be high? I'm the only user beta-testing the app right now so it seems weird to me..
railway memory usage · Issue #44 · adnjoo/XpenseTrackr
problem: december memory usage high - possibly due to ?multiple migrations potential solution: check january usage try alternative PAAS e.g. heroku? or digitalocean
8 Replies
Project ID:
app memory usage
do you have a
variable set? try setting it to 2haven't done that yet..
I just added RAILS_MAX_THREADS to 2..
is it recommended to set e.g. WEB_CONCURRENCY to 2?
i think you should try it
would likely be "seeing" the host machines 32 (or more) cores and could be spawning far to many workers, since each worker and thread will take a reserve amount of ram, that could be where your excess ram usage is coming from.
if puma spawns two threads per worker that could theatrically be a whopping 64 workers, more than a hobby project would ever needk I'll try it thank u so much 😄
no problem! let me know if it makes a difference